As Bible believing, Christ following believers, we don’t believe in sainthood, as has been taught by those holding to the Catholic faith. We believe that all Christians are made saints upon salvation, not due to their own merit, but as a result of Christ’s merit, which has been freely given to them. This key doctrine, however, does not take away from the fact that some people deserve great honor for their significant Kingdom achievements. For sure, men like the Apostle Paul, Hudson Taylor, George Mueller, and John MacArthur deserve more honor than men like the thief on the cross, who gets saved right before death. This is because these men have made significant contributions to Kingdom advancement at great costs to themselves.
Well, I would like to add one more family to that list: The Cupp Family — In particular, Damon, Jen, Jonathan, Isaac, Nate, Emma, and Evie.
This extremely dear and deeply beloved family has served SOS and the people of Uganda for the past 6 1/2 years. They have tirelessly and faithfully given their lives to disciple this community and have played significant roles in establishing this work. Without these hands laying the foundation of SOS, this ministry would not be poised like it is for Kingdom use. To the hundreds of lives they have personally touched and to the thousands and hopefully millions of lives that they will never see, this family is a hero. Damon has led the construction of over 50 buildings, has overseen the establishment of Legacy Christian Academy, and has served as an elder of our local church, Community Bible Church of Kubamitwe. Jen has been a faithful helper to Damon and mother to their five awesome kids, has helped Danielle with leading the women of our community and the Baptist Union, and has served as a counselor to all of the missionary ladies. Their sons, Jonathan, Isaac, and Nate have been best friends to my own sons and have seasoned our lives and hearts with joy and laughter. Their contribution is incalculable.
Unfortunately, they are now moving back to the US. Within the last two years, Damon’s mother’s health has started to diminish significantly. The Cupp family had not previously considered returning home, but in 2018, they started feeling a burden to be there for their mom. And after many tears and wrestling with God, they have decided to return home to care for her. This shocking and painful news was received in July and communicated in November to the whole SOS family. Last week they packed their container and are now flying home on June 20th.
This family deserves to be honored and appreciated. If you would want to honor them, please feel free to make an extra donation to them or send them a note. SOS is losing a significant part of its family. They can never be replaced and their impact will never be forgotten.
Damon, Jen, Jonathan, Isaac, Nate, Emma, and Evie, thank you for your incredible service to this ministry. We were blessed and honored to have had the privilege of serving alongside you guys. We love you!
For the King and His Kingdom,
Shannon Hurley